38 Weeks

I'm really hoping this is my last picture in front of this board!!! I have started to go to the doctor every week now and we have some more info. Paisley is at Level 0 which is on the pelvic floor (just imagine how I waddle now that she's sitting on my you know what). She's head down, backed her bags & ready to go. I went to the Dr last week and I was 50% effaced but NOT dilated. I went again this Tuesday and now I'm 70% effaced but still not dilated. I was bummed when I heard that. So looks like she'll be in there for another week. I'm really hoping to have a 4th of July baby! Mainly so I can get out of the BrewAQue party we're having but also because I want to get the show on the road.

From Baby Bump
From Baby Bump
From Baby Bump
From Baby Bump

How far along? 38 weeks (9.5 months)

Total weight gain? 26 lbs. Not bad when they say the average is 30-35 lbs.

Maternity Clothes? I think I have 5 dresses that still fit. It's getting to be slim pickings.

Sleep? It's been ok. Still getting sick at night and having to sleep sitting straight up a few times this week but overall still sleeping.

Best moment of the week? This was actually the BEST and WORST moment of the week. I applied for a job in Athens, GA with my agency a few weeks ago and they called to let me know they were interested in me. I literally had 24 hours to decide what do to. They wanted us to move ASAP which meant that I would have to cut my maternity leave short and we would have to put our house on the market ASAP which would have been hard with a newborn. I literally cried for 24 hours straight because I knew the decision would impact the rest of our lives. My gut was telling me to go to GA because they are closing our office in Raleigh at the end of 2013 and I need to make a move but my heart was telling me that the timing wasn't right. Todd & I had a prayer conference with our families on Monday night and then prayed about it all day on Tuesday. We both came to the conclusion that this seemed rushed and the timing was off. I told Todd that I couldn't make a rash decision at 9.5 months pregnant and that he needed to do it. He didn't agree but gave me reasons why he thought it was a wrong move. I listened to him talk for an hour about scriptures God showed him on Tuesday and about how we needed to put Paisley first instead of our careers first. I literally cried while we talked just thanking God for such a wise husband who SEEKS FIRST HIS KINGDOM. I can't tell you the peace I felt after we decided to turn the GA job down and stay in Raleigh. I've moved twice with this agency and each time, I've moved alone. This time is SO much different. This time I have a husband to help me make decisions and now I have a baby to think about. Even though that was a pretty stressful 24 hours, I can't tell you how grateful I am for this decision we made and for this little family unit I now have. Seeing Todd be the head of our household and make decisions for his family makes me love him so much more & confirms once again that I married the right person. I can only imagine how much more I will fall in love with Todd in the next few weeks when I see this little miracle that he will be giving me!

Missing Anything? Same stuff.

Movement? I had a doctor tell me that she would run out of room to move starting at 36 weeks and she's proving that Dr wrong. I've had lots of Braxton Hicks contractions which she does NOT like and kicks me when they happen. She's still as active as always. She's had two days of EXTREME movements that really hurt & she's starting to really wear me out.

Food Craving? I'm back on the milk again.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Braxton Hicks & lying down. I had a iced coffee from McDonalds Thursday morning and within an hour, I threw up the entire thing. I had been craving Bonefish for over a month so last night my sweet husband took me. At midnight, I up chucked my Bang Bang shrimp, salad, Salmon & Creme Brulee. It was disgusting. Not sure why I'm getting so sick but I've had enough.

Gender? Strong baby Girl

Labor Signs? Same ol Braxton Hicks as before.

Symptoms? Nothing new

Wedding rings on or off? Still off.

Happy or Moody? Emotional roller coaster this week but really looking forward to the 4.5 months that I'll have with Paisley once she gets here. I can't tell you how excited I am to not be working for that long.

Looking forward to? Going into labor. Daddy Rodney got home late last night so Miss P can come anytime now. I'm SO ready to meet this little thing I've had growing inside of me for the last 9 months.

Just to give you a little perspective, here's what I looked like at week 12 versus what I look like today. I really have been growing a baby in there haven't I???
From Baby Bump


Mel :) –   – (June 30, 2012 at 9:15 PM)  

I can't believe you're almost there... and I can't believe I'm going to miss it! GRRRRRRRRR. It has been such a joy watching you go through this entire process - totally educational and very special. You are ready for Miss Paisley's arrival and you're going to make a wonderful mother (and Todd will no doubt be a great father). The next time I see you you're going to have a little girl in your arms!

And I think you made the right decision about the job - and for the right reasons.

Good luck with the final push (hahahahaha see what I did there?).

Love ya!

Momma T  – (July 1, 2012 at 4:23 PM)  

Thank you so much for sharing your pictures on your blog on how much you have gone thru since week 12...Paisley is a good girl and she listened to her Momma T and has waited for Pops to come back in the country. Now I believe she will listen to my 2nd favor I asked her for. She will do what she can for an easy safe delivery for her mommy! We love you Candice, we are in the process of packing up and are ready to go at any time. Waiting for the call, love you, love Todd and love Sweet P.

Kim  – (July 16, 2012 at 1:54 PM)  

I love your post, but I also love Mel & Momma T's posts, too! :-) Can't wait to see y'all in August! Love ya!!!

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