The winners are..... and James

Thank you for all who left comments. The 3 pictures that I showed the class Wednesday night are...

From NC Arboretum

Everybody was fasinated with this one.
From NC Arboretum

And my personal favorite
From NC Arboretum

Last weekend I had lunch with my friends Heather & Kaleena. Heather brought along her 6 month old baby James. You've seen James before on the blog. He is getting SO big and SO stinkin cute! I loved some of the pics that I got of him. (p.s. these are the pictures I love taking. Not necessarily landscapes or still life)

Chewing on his Sophie
From James 6mo

Chewing on his toes. Can you tell somebody is teething?
From James 6mo

Letting Mrs. Candice love on him
From James 6mo

And finally showing us those 4 teethies!
From James 6mo

How stinkin cute is this kid?
From James 6mo

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Kelsey  – (June 16, 2011 at 8:14 PM)  

oh my goodness, could he be any cuter:) he is has gotten so big... i cannot wait to see him when i come a week from monday. looking forward to catching up with you girls and seeing little man. love you all. sorry i didn't comment on the flowers/lanscapes, you didn't give me enough time, hehe.

Judy Abbott Getz Buzzell  – (June 26, 2011 at 8:58 PM)  

#3, #5, & #7 in my opinion, are you best! Way to go! I loved seeing the Rockstar party. I'm Emma's Nana, currently in WI, and she comes up Thursday for 2 weeks! So excited! She sure loves you. Thank you for what you give to "your" girls! May God bless you & your Godly man mightily, Judy

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