Easter 2014

Happy Easter weekend! I attempted the impossible last week- I tried to get a 'staged' photo out of my 21 month old daughter! And I hate to admit that I failed. At the time, it made me spitting mad that Paisley wouldn't participate. She stole Hunter's paci and would NOT take it out of her mouth for the photos. She literally hasn't taken a paci since she was 3 months old and now that her brother is around, she likes to steal it from him. Now that I look at these pictures, they make me laugh and realize what a hand full she is. A sassy, strong willed little girl! (wonder where she gets that from!) She's a ton of work, has a ton of personality but she's also a ton of fun.

Luckily I have another baby who can't walk and hasn't developed a personality yet so he is more than happy to sit still, wear some bunny ears and throw me a smile!

I hope everyone has a Happy Easter!!!

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