Hunter 8 months

I've been a little absent over here on the blog & totally forgot to put up Hunter's 7 month pics. Its been a pretty stressful 5 weeks as we waited to hear about the Cisco layoff this Tuesday that could have impacted our family. Praise the Lord, Todd still has a job and I don't have to pack my house or my kids up (well not right now but thats another story for another day).

Here are our monthly pics

The H man is on the move! He does the army crawl now and can get clear across the entire house if I let him. He's trying SO hard to pull up now too. We've had to lower his crib once and I think it may be time to lower it again. He's literally getting into everything! Gone are the days when I could turn my back and leave him for a minute. He's really good about playing on his own too. Loves getting into all the toys in the playroom.

He's a ton of work at this age but he's so fun. He's starting to say dada and still loves to be tickled. He's such a happy baby and I couldn't love him anymore. Well, maybe if he actually started sleeping through the night again but I can sleep in heaven right???

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