Never say never
Have you ever said that you’ll NEVER do something? Well I have. Plenty of times. I’m learning that if you call yourself a Christian then NEVER really shouldn’t be in your vocabulary because God is funny. He’s got a funny sense of humor. He’ll change your heart, change your mindset and even ask you to do things you said you would never do. For example, I’ve said I’ll never be a stay at home mom. I’ve said I’ll never move back to southeast Texas. And I’ve said I’ll never own a dog. Well 2 out of the 3 will be a reality soon and I’m pretty sure that once Paisley starts talking, Todd will teach her to ask for a puppy and all 3 will be a reality!
Yep- that’s right. I’m going to be a stay at home mommy and we’re moving to SOUTHEAST Texas!
Seems like a sudden move right? Well, we’ve been praying for a year that God would allow us to be closer to family. Once Paisley was born we realized how hard it is to be in Raleigh on our own away from both sides of our families. God started moving on my heart about staying at home 4 weeks ago when I visited Paisley’s daycare. It just wasn’t right. I knew it in my spirit but I tried to ignore it. Then that one morning God spoke to me through that devotional and I knew I had my answer. If you didn’t read about that then click here. So once I decided to stay at home then there wasn’t a tie to Raleigh anymore. Todd talked to his boss about moving and work remotely and they are 100% supportive. So it was just a matter of where we would move- closer to my family or closer to his? I’m happy to say that we decided to move to Texas to be closer to my family. I know that this is a sacrifice for Todd but he is also very excited. He gets to be the rancher he’s always dreamed of being and he gets 24 hours access to a farm pond! Paisley gets her mommy at home and I get to live closer to my momma. Everybody wins in this decision!
This decision comes at a price. We love Raleigh. We love our friends here and we love our church! Can't imagine finding a better church anywhere. Pastor Mike's sermon this weekend was again about RISK. I wrote down something he said that I'm going to hold on to "God will never ask you to give up something that He doesn't plan to replace with something better". So I'm going to hold Him to it!
Our plan is to put our house on the market after the Holidays are over. Once it sells, we’ll move to Texas. We plan to move into the garage apartment at my parents in Spurger until we found a house. That way we're not strapped or rushed to make a purchase and we don't have two mortgages.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 says “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven”. We believe that God is moving us to a new season in our lives and that this is His will for our little family. We covet your prayers as we prepare to sell the house & the BIG move ahead!
So excited for you guys - I think this will be a great move for everyone and will put your heart and mind at peace. Todd is very lucky to be able to work remotely; and I never knew he wanted to be a rancher!?!
I guess I'll have to add Texas to my list of places to visit when I'm in the US. :D
Momma T must be so happy!!!!!